Thursday, March 25, 2010

Friday Feedback.....

I am very excited for two reasons:
First, today is my 100th post!! It's actually hard for me to believe!! My first temptation is to be proud of myself for keeping up the habit of writing daily and somehow finding things to say in each post. But then I stop to think of my original purpose for starting this blog. The answer is in the title: A Steady Rain ~ developing an awareness of God's daily blessings. I have to give my heavenly Father the glory for each one of the thoughts He's given me in the last 100 posts. Each one of them is a blessing, joy, or encouragement that God has brought into my life. It's amazing to me that I was able to document His working in my life for 100 post and still not run out of things to say. I am encouraged that He desires to still pour out those mercies to me in the future!

Secondly, I am excited to start a new weekly feature on my blog. Last week, I started Sunday's Song, and this week I will be adding Friday Feedback. In these posts, I plan on asking a question that you, my readers, can answer. I've been excited to meet many new friends in the last few months and I look forward to getting your opinions and advice on a variety of topics. Since the main purpose of my blog is to acknowledge God's working in every area of our lives every day, here is my first Friday Feedback:

In what way(s) have you seen God's blessing in your life in the last week?

Your answer could be super simple or a huge answer to prayer. The point is to share and acknowledge how an Almighty God cares about every aspect of our lives! I'm excited to hear your answers!

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Chele said...

First Rachel, thank you for showing your support on our new site! With that being said, bloggers like you God has used this week to confirm that I was listening to Him this whole time and have followed His lead to make this site real. :) He is so good to us all!
Oh and Happy 100th post! WOOHOO!!! Have a blessed Friday!

Melissa said...

Congratulations on your 100th post! Yea!

This week God has blessed me through the Bible Study he placed me in at church. We are reading through the book "When I Lay My Isaac Down"--Unshakeable Faith in Unthinkable Circumstances.

I had no plans to be in this Bible study, but God worked it out, and really placed me in it. . . Some rules were changed about parents with cubbies needing to stay at the church during AWANA just a few weeks before the study started. I had been using the time to do errands or just spend some time with Tom. Had I still been able to do that I wouldn't have gone to the study. I really enjoyed those quiet Wednesday evenings with my husband and just little Caleb. Anyway, I was sitting in the Library reading a book the 3 Awana night with this new policy and someone came in looking for a Bible study. I began listening as the librarian told her about the Bible study starting up just that night. I had no idea what it was about, and for some reason I hadn't heard a single thing about it. But the new girl needed someone to show her the way so I volunteered to take her and decided at the spur of the moment to join the study as well.

As you know, my own unthinkable circumstances are very fresh... I'm still working through all that God is doing in my life through them. So far I've spent the first two nights of Bible study trying not to weep the entire way through the class, but really being incredibly blessed and encouraged. God knew exactly what I needed and it's amazing how he worked it out....

Sara said...

Congratulations on your 100th blog!! I have seen God's blessing in my life this week with an introduction to our new church home! We've had a rough three years, but I believe God is moving us to a place of healing and restoration. And, we will finally have a parsonage with a backyard fence to contain our two dogs and boys!

Love you blog!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I wish I was as consistent on my blog :}!

Adam Pereira said...

I am thankful for the blessings of what the Lord has been doing in me through my prayer life lately. It has been a tremendous blessing to me in gaining more of a heavenly perspective. Keep up the great work on your blog! I love you!! (I am her husband by the way... :))