Saturday, March 27, 2010

Creative Ministries.....

This is a busy/exciting day for the teens in our church. Once a year, our church hosts a Creative Ministries Weekend for teens from area churches. The youth groups come to our church on Saturday morning for a full day of learning music and drama. Usually the day lasts from 10-10, and by the end everyone's nerves are pretty frazzled. Somehow the program all comes together every year, and the teens are given the opportunity to share what they have practiced. Sunday morning they will perform at our church, eat a lasagna lunch, then drive in the afternoon to one other church to minister in the evening. I don't normally work with the teens in our church, but the last few years I have been given the opportunity to spend this Saturday with them, and get to know these great kids. This year, I am leading all the music! Yikes! It's exciting and challenging at the same time. If you happen to think of us today, please pray for strength for the leaders and clear minds for the teens. I'm looking forward to a great day ahead!!!

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Melissa said...

Leading the music sounds like a perfect job for you!

My parents are coming up to my house tomorrow afternoon to visit (since we live fairly close) for a while before the evening program!

Michelle said...

Hope everything went well today... I came too late to hear about it and pray, but I'm sure it came together well. :) I'll pray everything goes well tomorrow and that God is glorified through the work of this weekend! ♥ Michelle